Wednesday, February 26, 2014

dude, pass the television

Television is electronic morphine. Little flickers of light that lash themselves around our attention spans like a spirochete devouring blood cells. What is a drug I ask you? It is a conduit to another world. It allows the user to experience a reality outside of his own. Done in excess a drug can be harmful and in some cases even lethal. Television is no different. Television takes it’s addict into the world of idealized life. Sitcoms are places where normal people can converse with the aptitude of poets and playwrights. Crime dramas give meaning to otherwise meaningless aggression. A test. Sit a group of friends in a room where the television set is turned on. Where does the group’s attention span turn to? The drug of course. Conversation inevitably withers and is replaced by a zombie like adulation for this electronic god. Like all drugs television comes with it’s own price. For those who overindulge their life is swallowed up by this idealization and when it comes time to live their own life it just seems depressing and dull. For the addict, compared to TV real life is just a let down.

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